First Max Planck Center for Regenerative Biomedicine opens in China (GSCN)
Source: MPI Muenster, 21.12.16
Programmable gene scissors revolutionize life sciences - Meyenburg-Prize (GSCN)
Source: DKFZ - Press and Public Relations, 20.12.16
Künstliche Minigehirne ähneln dem Original (DE)
Source: Science, 20.12.16
Text mining top 50 papers reveals hottest 2016 stem cell trends
Source: The Nische - Knoepfler lab blog, 20.12.16
Israel's BrainStorm to begin advanced trial for ALS stem cell treatment
Source: Reuters, 19.12.16
Scientists say the clock of aging may be reversible
Source: New York Times, 15.12.16
President Obama signs 21st century cures act - implications for the stem cell sector
Source: Seeking Alpha, 14.12.16
Asterias interview: stem cell spinal cord injury trials advance
Source: ipscell, 14.12.16
Researchers turn back the clock on human embryonic stem cells
Source: EurekAlert, 14.12.16
Defining immortality of stem cells to identify novel anti-aging mechanisms
Source: Science Daily, 28.11.16
Breakthrough as gene-editing technique restores sight to blind animals
Source: The Guardian, 16.11.16
German scientists Marcel Leist, Uni Kostanz, and Antje Apple-Mensel, TERM Würzburg, win Lush Prizes 2016 supporting animal-free testing (GSCN)
Source: Lush Prize, 11.11.2016
CIRM’s Translating Center and Pitching Machine Seek to Speed Up Clinical Trials in the US
Source: Regenerative Medicine, 10.11.16
Stem cells from schizophrenics produce fewer neurons
Source: The Guardian, 1.11.16
Gentechnik: Der Tabubruch (DE)
Source: heise online, 2.11.16
Defining immortality of stem cells to identify novel anti-aging mechanisms
Source: Science Daily, 28.11.16
Breakthrough as gene-editing technique restores sight to blind animals
Source: The Guardian, 16.11.16
German scientists Marcel Leist, Uni Kostanz, and Antje Apple-Mensel, TERM Würzburg, win Lush Prizes 2016 supporting animal-free testing (GSCN)
Source: Lush Prize, 11.11.2016
CIRM’s Translating Center and Pitching Machine Seek to Speed Up Clinical Trials in the US
Source: Regenerative Medicine, 10.11.16
Stem cells from schizophrenics produce fewer neurons
Source: The Guardian, 1.11.16
Gentechnik: Der Tabubruch (DE)
Source: heise online, 2.11.16
Das Herz klopft in der Petrischale (DE)
Source: Die Presse, 31.10.16
"Menschenzüchtung ist völlig unrealistisch" Interview with Juergen Knoblich (DE)
Source: Wiener Zeitung, 29.10.16
Mouse egg cells made entirely in the lab give rise to healthy offspring
From stem cell to oocyte in a dish
Stammzellforschung: Eizellen züchten - es geht (DE)
Der Durchbruch berührt alles, was hierzulande abgelehnt wird (DE)
Source: Science Magazine, The Scientist, Die Zeit (DE), Süddeutsche Zeitung (DE) 17.10.16
New stem cell-based strategy may help predict heart-damaging effects of drugs
Source: News Medical, 17.10.16
Salk scientist wants to solve transplant shortage by growing organs in animals
Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune, 15.10.16
Genschere repariert Sichelzellen-Anämie (DE)
Source: Scinexx, 13.10.16
Innovation aus Dresden soll künftig Blindheit heilen (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Sachsen Fernsehen, 12.10.16
Scientists create lab-grown human brains that could think and feel
Source: Nature World News, 12.10.16
Research points to ways to improve the therapeutic potential of stem cells
Source: ScienceDaily, 11.10.16
Differing duration of brain stem cell division
Source: Max Planck Society, 6.10.16
Questions for Rudolf Jaenisch: Creating mouse-human hybrids
Source: Spectrum, 4.10.16
Gutachten zu Embryonenbegriffen im deutschen und europäischen Recht (DE)
Source: Kompetenznetzwerk_Stammzellforschung NRW, 4.10.16
$8 million grant to support research to repair hearts with bioengineered patch
Source: UAB, 21.09.16
Divisions run deep over how to regulate stem cell clinics
Source: CNN, 19.09.16
Quallen-Proteine helfen bei der Erforschung von Herzrhythmusstörungen (DE)
Source: Medizin Aspekte, 2.09.16
Zweifel an Novartis' Stammzellen-Strategie (DE)
Source: Handelszeitung, 2.09.16
Schweine mit Menschenherzen (DE)
Source: Neue Züricher Zeitung, 2.09.16
Mehr Knochengewebe aus Stammzellen (DE)
Source: Wissenschaft aktuell, 1.09.16
Stem cells to help search for schizophrenia, bipolar treatments
Source: San Diego Union Review, 31.08.16
Können Ärzte Leukämie stoppen? (DE)
Source: ÄrzteZeitung, 31.08.16
Stem-Cell Treatments Become More Available, and Face More Scrutiny
Source: Wall Street Journal, 29.08.16
Stem cell research promises to keep the silver set healthy
Source: Asian review, 25.08.16
Mapping pluripotency differences between mice, monkeys and humans
Source: Science daily, 25.08.16
Schlaganfall: Neuartige Kombinationstherapie mit Stammzellen (DE)
Source: Wissenschaft aktuell, 23.08.16
Multiple Sklerose: Ein Neustart für das Nervensystem (DE)
Source: FAZ, 21.08.16
Zika: Schäden auch im Gehirn Erwachsener? (DE)
Source: scinexx, 22.08.16
Kyoto University team produces quality stem cells from umbilical blood
Source: japantimes, 17.08.16
CRISPR/Cas gegen Sichelzellenanämie
Source: Spektrum, 21.07.16
Will Organs-in-a-Dish Ever Replace Animal Models?
Source: TheScientist, 19.07.16
Big Data for small cells – a new tracking and quantification tool for single cells (GSCN)
Source: Press Release HelmholtzZentrum münchen, 19.07.16
Stem cell research loses footing in Korea
Source: Korea Times, 17.07.2016
Israeli researchers use stem cells to treat age-related blindness
Source: Times of Israel, 16.07.16
Public stem cell skirmish erupts between Hanna & Jaenisch
Source: The Niche, 15.07.16
Crispr-Cas9 - Das große Ziel heißt Genreparatur (DE)
Source: Frankfurter Rundschau, 15.07.16
Interim results from clinical trial demonstrate safety of cell-based therapy for retinitis pigments
Source: NewsMedical, 14.07.16
Neue Therapieansätze für Gehirnerkrankungen mit weniger Tierversuchen?
Source: Laborpraxis, 12.07.16
Stammzellen unter Zugzwang
Source: Pressebox, 12.07.16
Where did it all go wrong? Scientists identify 'cell of origin' in skin cancers
Source: Science Daily, 8.07.16
Wie Schweine zur Organfabrik für Menschen werden
Source: Die Welt, 28.06.16
New way out: Researchers show how stem cells exit bloodstream
Source: sciencedaily, 28.06.16
New method to grow and transplant muscle stem cells holds promise for treatment of muscular dystrophy
Source: sciencedaily, 28.06.16
Emmanuelle Charpentier: Eine Frau, ihre Entdeckung und wie sie die Welt verändert (DE)
Source: Die Zeit, 27.06.16
'Tuneable' gels to aid stem cell research
Source: BBC, 20.06.16
NYSCF and CMTA announce largest-ever research resource for neuropathy disorders
Source: EurekAlert, 21.06.16
How iPS cells changed the world
Source: Nature, 15.06.16
San Diego gets new stem cell center
Source: SanDiego Union Tribune, 15.06.16
Study resolves long-disputed theory about stem cell populations
Source: Science Daily, 15.06.16
Stem cells for Snoopy: pet medicines spark a biotech boom
Source: Nature, 14.06.16
Pituitary tissue grown from human stem cells releases hormones in rats
Source: Science Daily, 14.06.16
Behandlung mit Stammzellen hilft Querschnittsgelähmten (DE)
Source: Berliner Zeitung, 13.06.16
Raum in St.Galler Privatklinik versiegelt: Verdacht auf Propaganda für nicht bewilligte Stammzellen-Therapien (DE)
Source: FM1Today , 12.06.2016
Study sets standards for evaluating pluripotent stem cell quality
Source: Science Daily, 09.06.2016
New stem cell transplantation method may halt multiple sclerosis symptoms long-term, but therapy comes with high risk
Neustart für das Immunsystem (DE)
Source: EurekAlert, 09.06.2016, Die Welt (DE), 14.06.2016
Stammzellentransplantation beschleunigt Alterung (DE)
Source: Pharmazeutische Zeitung, 09.06.2016
New techniques to assess the fate of stem cells in vivo
Source: ScienceDaily, 09.06.2016
Gene editing can drive science to openness
Source: Nature World View, 08.06.2016
Embryonic Stem Cell Fail as Firm Goes Defunct
Source: AmericanThinker, 08.06.2016
Wissenschaftspreis für Hans Clevers (DE)
Source:, 8.6.2016
"Es ist, wie mit Lego zu spielen" (DE)
Source:, 8.6.2016
Neural stem cell transplants promote Parkinson's recovery in non-human primates
Source:, 7.6.2016
Japan to begin transplants using donor iPS cells
Source: Nikkei Asian Review, 07.06.2016
New approach could make bone marrow transplants safer
Source: Harvard Stem Cell Institute, 06.06.2016
Scientists attempting to harvest human organs in pigs create human-pig embryo
Sources: The Guardian, 5.6.2016
Ärzte für das Leben: 'Mensch-Schwein-Mischwesen beunruhigt zutiefst' (DE)
Sources:, 6.6.2016
Schweine, die Leben retten (DE)
Source:, 6.6.2016
Using Crispr to grow a human pancreas in a pig
Source:, 7.6.2016
Russischer Arzt rückt Klinik ins Zwielicht (DE)
Sources:, 5.6.2016
First anti-CRISPR political campaign is born in Europe
Sources: ipscell, 2.6.2016
Patienten zur Kasse gebeten – Stammzellen-Forschungsprojekt verstößt gegen Grundsätze (DE)
Sources: Radio Prag, 2.6.2016
Stem cell brain injections let people walk again after stroke;
Stanford medical trial found stem cells injected into the brain aid stroke recovery
Sources: NewScientist, 2.6.2016; researchgate, 2.6.2016
10 Millionen für Leukämie-Sonderforschungsbereich in Ulm (DE)
Sources: University Ulm, 1.6.2016
StemCells, Inc. Announces Termination of Phase II Pathway Study Following Review of Data
Sources: Nasdaq GlobalNewswire, 31.5.2016
Michael Brand elected EMBO member (GSCN)
Sources: CRT-Dresden News, 30.5.2016
Israeli firms claim 3-D stem cell printing advance, plan spin out
Sources: FierceBiotech, 29.5.2016
New Stanford-developed tool allows easier study of blood cancers (GSCN)
Neues Verfahren zur Züchtung menschlichen Knochengewebes (GSCN) (DE)
Sources: Scope Stanford Medicine, 24.5.2016, derStandard (DE), 28.5.2016
Spin-off der RWTH macht Verzicht auf Kälberserum möglich
Sources: RWTH-Aachen, 27.5.2016
Stem cell spin out has highest ever UK funding
Sources: LaboratoryNews, 27.5.2016
Genome editor CRISPR helps trace growth of embryos—and maybe cancer next
Sources: Science Magazine, 26.5.2016
First skin-to-eye stem cell transplant shows promise, researchers say
Source: The Financial, 24.5.2016
Genea Biocells Publishes First Human Stem Cell Model of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD)
Sources: PR Newswire, 24.5.2016
Enrollment completed in stem cell trial for osteoarthritis
Source: Life Scientist, 16.5.2016
ISSCR Releases Updated Guidelines for Stem Cell Science and Clinical Translation
Sources: ISSCR press release, ISSCR Guidelines (pdf), Nature, Nature-Embryo Editing, 12.5.2016
Stem cells from diabetic patients coaxed to become insulin-secreting cells
Source: ScienceDaily, 10.5.2016
A stem cell therapy to treat Parkinson's disease enters clinical trials
Source: Nikkei Asian Review, 6.5.2016
Stem cell therapy shows potential for difficult-to-treat refractory angina patient population
Source: ScienceDaily, 5.5.2016
Human embryos grown in lab for longer than ever before
Embryonen-Experimente Kinderwunschfabriken immer schöpferischer (DE)
Source: Nature-1, Nature-2, The Guardian, DE: FAZ, Tagesspiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 4.5.2016
First skin-to-eye stem cell transplant in humans successful
Source: ScienceDaily, 4.5.2016
New Study: RenovaCare SkinGun(tm) Ultra-Gently Sprays Human Stem Cells to Achieve 'Gold-Standard' Viability for Skin Regeneration (GSCN)
Source: BusinessWire, 4.5.2016
Stem-cell plan aims to bring rhino back from brink of extinction (GSCN)
Source: Nature, 3.5.2016
Swedish Research Council: Macchiarini, Karolinska Skipped Ethical Review
Source: The Scientist , 2.5.2016
Benefits of stem cells for treating spinal cord injuries assessed -
A realistic hope for spinal cord injury patients
Source: ScienceDaily, 29.4.2016
Gentechnik in China: Phönix aus der Flasche (DE)
Source: FAZ , 29.4.2016
Scientists turn skin cells into heart cells and brain cells using drugs
Source: ScienceDaily, 28.4.2016
Cell transplant treats Parkinson's in mice under control of designer drug
Source: Press release Uni. Wisconsin-Madison, 28.4.2016
Mini-Organe: Alternative zu Tierversuchen?
Source: Apothekenumschau, 26.4.2016
Tiny Lab-Grown 3D Brains Help Scientists Study How Zika Virus Damages Stem Cells In Brain
Source: medicaldaily, 25.4.2016
Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells
Source:, 21.4.2016
Researchers identify key factor for reprogramming adult cells into stem cells
Source: Science Magazine, 21.4.2016
Identifying a genetic mutation behind sporadic Parkinson's disease
Source: EurekAlert, 20.4.2016
Kick-off für das neue Stamzell-Zentrum CARE in München (DE)(GSCN)
Source: BioM, 15.4.2016
New hope for spinal cord injuries
Source: Sciencedaily, 14.4.2016
STEMCELL Technologies partners with IMBA to commercialize brain organoids (‘mini brains’) for researchers
Künstliche Mini-Gehirne: Nutzung für alle Forscher durch Lizenzabkommen (DE)
Source: BioInformat, idw (DE), 14.4.2016
Umstrittener Eingriff ins embryonale Erbgut (DE)
Source: Spektrum d. Wissen., 14.4.2016
Ailing fetuses to be treated with stem cells
Source: ScienceMagazine, 14.4.2016
Strength through synergies - Dresden scientists generate model systems for retinal disease research (GSCN)
Source: CRT-Dresden News, 14.4.2016
Hidden genetic mutations in stem cells could undermine therapeutic benefit
Source: Medicalxpress, 14.4.2016; Nature, 14.4.2016
Diabetes-Therapie: Stammzellen in Betazellen verwandelt (DE)
Source: Neue Züricher Zeitung, 11.4.2016
Stem cell therapy may mend damaged hearts, says research
Source: The Economic Times, 9.4.2016
Medizin: Neue Technik soll Blinde wieder sehen lassen (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Wirtschaftswoche, 9.4.2016
Second Chinese team reports gene editing in human embryos with Crispr/Cas
Source: Nature, 8.4.2016
Eppendorf addressing stem cell scale-up challenges in Horizon 2020 project (GSCN)
Source: Biopharma Reporter, 8.4.2016
Putting human stem cells in animal embryos? The NIH should get on board.
Source: Los Angeles Times, 7.4.2016
Test run finds no cancer risk from stem cell therapy
Source: Science Daily, 7.4.2016
Interview Jürgen Hescheler: Stammzellexperte: Künstliche Haut für Menschen in etwa fünf Jahren (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Deutsche Welle, 7.4.2016
Ein paar Beutel Blut für die Geschichtsbücher : "Ich hatte ja keine Ahnung": Wie weiter im Stammzellboom? (DE)
Source: F.A.Z. (nur mit Zugang!) (DE), 6.4.2016
"Made in India Stem Cell Therapy for Blindness" receives global validation
Source: ET Healthworld, 6.4.2016
Stammzellen aus dem 3D-Stift "BioPen" sind zu 97 Prozent überlebensfähig (DE)
Source: 3D-Grenzenlos, 5.4.2016
Breakthrough: Gut bacteria drive growth of stem cells in colon cancer (GSCN)
Source: CRT-Dresden News, 5.4.2016
Stem cell therapy shows promise in heart failure patients, study suggests
Source: CBS News. ABC Online, 5.4.2016
Bioreaktor soll Stammzellen für Therapien bringen (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Presse Uni. Würzburg, 5.4.2016
Britain's role in the stem cell revolution
Source: The Telegraph, 5.4.2016
Promising lab-grown skin sprouts hair and grows glands
Forscher erschaffen Haut mit Haaren und Talgdrüsen (DE)
Source: BBC, Die Welt (DE), 1.4.2016
Haruko Obokata launches new website with STAP claims
Source: The Niche, Knoepfler Lab blog, 31.3.2016
EU-Projekt zielt auf Heilung von Typ-1-Diabetes (DE)
Source: Goethe Uni. Frankfurt, News, 31.3.2016
Ottawa researchers use stem cells (MSCs) to treat septic shock
Source: CBC News Canada, 31.3.2016
iPS cell research is moving in new directions
Source: Nikkei Asia Review, 31.3.2016
3-D 'mini-retinas' grown from mouse and human stem cells
Source: Science Daily, 31.3.2016
Are stem-cell therapies for parkinson's disease ready for clinical trials?
Source: Sciencedaily, 30.3.2016
Cross-species organ production report sparks debate about ethical concerns of stem cell science
Source: ABC Net, 20.3.2016
Biomedicine: Visionary stem-cell therapies
Source: Nature, 17.3.2016
New type of stem cells with "half a genome" that accelerate discovery
Source: NYSCF - News, 16.3.2016
The CRISPR patent fight has begun - and it's not pretty
Source: STAT News, 16.3.2016
Australian scientists have found a safer and faster way to harvest cancer-fighting stem cells
Source: Business Insider - Australia, 16.3.2016
Next step towards the prevention of blindness: CRTD researchers obtain an U.S.-patent for a method to highly efficiently produce human retinal pigment epithelium cells (RPE) (GSCN)
Source: CRT-Dresden News, 15.3.2016
Vorgestellt: Der Zeltprogrammierer | Frank Edenhofer (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Universität Innsbruck - News, 15.3.2016
Launch of new European Stem Cell Bank (EBiSC)
Source: EBiSC press release, 14.3.2016
CSUSM granted $3M to train next generation of stem cell scientists
Source: California State University San Marcos, 14.3.2016
Naive Stem Cells derived directly from inner cell mass of human embryo
Source:, 14.3.2016
UniStemDay 2016 in Germany (GSCN)
Sources: MHH-News, FLI-Jena News, MRN - News, Berlin Buch - News, MDC InSights, 11.3.2016
Modified Form of CRISPR Acts as a Toggle Switch to Control Gene Expression in Stem Cells
Source: Gladstone Institute, 10.3.2016
Stem cell clinical trial for Parkinson's begins
Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune, 7.3.2016
Stammzellforschung: Der Faktor zum Überleben (DE)
Source: LMU München - Pressemitteilung, 4.3.2016
New Method for Producing Heart Cells May Hold the Key to Treating Heart Failure
Source: Gladstone Institute, 3.3.2016
Scientists develop very early stage human stem cell lines for first time
Source: University of Cambridge, 3.3.2016
Jefferson neuroscience receives $500K gift for new Stem Cell Center
Source: Philly Voice, 3.3.2016
Irrer Wettkampf um die meisten Zitate (DE)
Source: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2.3.2016
Artificial embryonic stem cells get safety OK
Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune, 1.3.2016
Scientists find way to predict activity of stem cells
Source: Science Daily, 29.2.2016
The Stress Test - Rivalries, intrigue, and fraud in the world of stem-cell research
Source: New Yorker, 29.2.2016
Noch zeugt kein Mann Babys mit künstlichem Sperma (DE)
Source: ZEIT Online, Der Tagesspiegel, 25.2.2016, Spiegel Online, 26.2.2016
Heilung vor Ort: MHH-Forscher verwandeln Bindegewebszellen in Leberzellen (DE) (GSCN)
Source: MHH-Pressemitteilung, 26.2.2016
Medizinische Forschung : Vom Nobelpreis in die Apotheke (DE)
Source: Wiener Zeitung, 25.2.2016
Stammzellforschung: Umprogrammierte Hautzellen sollen Hirntumoren jagen (DE)
Source: Spektrum d. Wissen., 25.2.2016
Source of cells used to generate new tissue may be important to personalized medicine
Source: Science Daily, 25.2.2016
Karolinska Institute takes steps to dismiss scandal-plagued surgeon soon
Karolinska-Institut: "Das schlimmste Verbrechen, das man begehen kann" (DE)
Source: Science Insider, 24.2.2016, Tagesspiegel, 22.2.2016, Deutschlandfunk, 15.2.2016
Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) to Study Molecular Mechanisms in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Source: Select Science, 23.2.2016
S. Korean stem cell researcher, Hwang Woo-suk to set up research center in Dubai
Source: Yonhap News, 22.2.2016
HIV: Erstmals gibt es Hoffnung auf Heilung (DE)
Source: Spiegel Online, 22.2.2016
Forscher machen Magenzellen zu Insulin-Produzenten (DE)
Source: Scinexx, 19.2.2016
Popular stem cell techniques deemed safe; unlikely to pass on cancer-causing mutations
Source: Science Daily, 19.2.2016
Teaching stem cells to build muscle
Source: Beaker SBP Science, 18.2.2016
Oncogene controls stem cells in early embryonic development (GSCN)
Krebsgen kontrolliert Stammzellen in der frühen Embryonalentwicklung (DE)
Source: DKFZ - press release DE: Pressemitteilung, 15.2.2016
It should be safety-first on stem cell therapies
Source: Boston Globe, 12.2.2016
California stem cell agency may fund tests to edit genes in human embryos
Source: LA Times, 12.2.2016
Promising Duchenne study
Source: Stem Cell UCLA, 11.2.2016
Mini brains made from stem cells may one day be used to study brain diseases, eliminating need for lab animals
Source: Medical Daily, 11.2.2016
Does it take too long to publish research?
Source: Nature, 10.2.2016
Scientists discover stem cell that grows into replacement tissue
Source: Irish Times, 9.2.2016
FDA moves to crack down on unproven stem cell therapies
Source: STAT News, 8.2.2016
Johnson & Johnson developing stem cell cure for Type 1 diabetes
Source: The Week, 4.2.2016
Swedish medical institute dismisses transplant surgeon
Source: NY Times, 4.2.2016
Making quality stem cells
Source: UCLA Stem Celle Center, 4.2.2016
British researchers get green light to genetically modify human embryos
Sources: The Guardian, The New York Times, Nature, FAZ (DE), Spiegel online (DE), 1.2.2016; Domradio (DE), FAZ-1 (DE), FAZ-2 (DE), Frankfurter Rundschau (DE), Süddeutsche Zeitung (DE), Neue Züricher Zeitung (DE), Stuttgarter Nachrichten (DE), Ärzte Zeitung (DE), 2.2.2016; Berliner Zeitung (DE), 3.2.2016, nano, 5.2.2016,
Die Regenerationskraft des Körpers verbessern - "Stammzellen und regenerative Medizin" (NFP 63/SNF) (DE)
Source: IDW Online, 1.2.2016
Canada's stem cell research needs 'big investment' to move forward, experts say
Source: CBC News, 31.1.2016
Assessing stem cells: New biomarker developed
Source: Science Daily, 29.01.2016
Forschung: Stammzellforscher tagen in Dresden (DE) (GSCN)
Source: Focus Online, 29.1.2016
Auf der Suche nach der Achillesferse von Leukämie-Stammzellen (DE)
Source: IDW Online, 28.01.2016
How to detect and preserve human stem cells in the lab (GSCN)
Wie man menschliche Stammzellen aufspürt und im Labor kultiviert (DE)
Source: Max Delbrück Center (DE), 22.1.2016
Role model stem cells: How immune cells can self-renew (GSCN)
Vorbild Stammzellen: Wie Immunzellen sich selbst erneuern können
Source: Max Delbrück Center (DE), 21.1.2016
Menschliche Organe aus Tieren: Forschen an der Chimäre (DE)
Source: Tagesspiegel, 18.1.2016
Stem cell community loses a treasured friend - Andrew David Lyall
Source: Stem Cell Foundation, Canada, 14.1.2016
Donor's genotype controls differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells
Source: Science Daily, 14.1.2016
1,15 Millionen Euro von der DFG: Forschen für die Gesellschaft (DE)
Source: Münsterische Zeitung, 14.1.2016
U.K. researcher details proposal for CRISPR editing of human embryos
Source: Science Magazine Insider, 13.1.2016
Ottawa to invest $20M in stem cell research
Source: CTVNews, Canada, 13.1.2016
ReNeuron bags £2.1m grant from Innovate UK for stem cell treatment
Source: The Telegraph, 11.1.2016
Squeezing cells into stem cells
Source: Science Daily, 11.1.2016
New leukemia treatment eyed from iPS cells
Source: MindanaoExaminer, 11.1.2016
Turning back the cellular clock
Source: Science Daily, 11.1.2016
Using skin to save the heart
Source: Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), 8.1.2016
Mobilization of jumping genes in pluripotent stem cells may affect safety of stem cell-based therapies (GSCN)
Source: Paul-Ehrlich-Instiute, 8.1.2016
Programming Pancreatic Cells
Source: TheScientist, 7.1.2016
Human-Animal Chimeras Are Gestating on U.S. Research Farms
Source: MIT Technology Review, 6.1.2016
Stephen's Pretty Sure George Church Said He's Going To Live Forever
Source: YouTube (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), 6.1.2016
Dutch lead European push to flip journals to open access
Source: Nature, 6.1.2016
Top takeaways from new Yamanaka stem cell interview
Source: The Niche - Knoepfler lab stem cell blog, 2.1.2016