Top 10 stem cell stories of the year 2015
Source: The Niche - Knoepfler lab stem cell blog, 29.12.2015
Stammzellen sollen Nördliches Breitmaulnashorn vor dem Aussterben retten (DE)
Source: Der Standard, 22.12.2015
Eyes turn into skin: How inflammation can change the fate of cells
Source: Eureka Alert, 21.12.2015
Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal tissue in two primate models of retinal degeneration
Source: PNAS, 21.12.2015
Mice Develop with Human Stem Cells
Source: The Scientist, 21.12.2015
Eileiter in der Petrischale (DE)
Source: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 20.12.2015
Deutlich effizientere Herstellung induzierter pluripotenter Stammzellen (in German)
Source: Der Standard, 14.12.2015
Überraschendes Signal steuert männliche Fruchtbarkeit (in German)
Source: Ärzte Zeitung, 8.12.2015
Stem cell cures for everything, made in Germany by TICEBA
Source: For Better Science, Leonid Schneider, 8.12.2015
Genfabrik in China: Tierklonen aus dem Katalog
Chinese gene company: Cloning animals on demand
Sources: Die Welt; Der Tagesspiegel, 6.12.2015
On Human Gene Editing: International Summit Statement
Source: The National Academies of Science . Engineering . Medicine, 03.12.2015
Coverage: Der Spiegel; FAZ Feuilleton FAZ Wissen; The Independent; Washington Post
Commentary: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 04.12.2015
related: Tagung Deutscher Ethikrat, 04.12.2015
Stammzelltherapie brachte Forschungserfolg für "Schmetterlingskinder" (in German)
Source: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 02.12.2015
Horizon 2020-Projekt "Maineuron" auch an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Nervenzellwachstum magnetisch stimulieren (in German)
Source: PresseBox, 02.12.2015
Italian scientists slam selection of stem-cell trial
Senate assigns a clinical trial EUR3 million - but researchers want an open competition
Source: Nature, 02.12.2015
NRW-Forscher ersetzen Tierversuche durch Experimente mit Stammzellen (in German)
Source: Der Westen, 01.12.2015
Retinal nerve cells grown in the lab - Cell transplants for patients blinded by glaucoma and multiple sclerosis
Source: Science Daily, 30.11.2015
Top biologists debate ban on gene-editing
Source: The Guardian, 28.11.2015
Wie Stammzellen die Pharmaforschung beschleunigen (in German)
Source: DIE WELT, Rainer Kurlemann, 27.11.2015
Stammzellforschung: Chemikalie erzwingt Weiterentwicklung
Sources: chemie-zeitschrift, 16.11.2015
Parkinson’s iPS cell trial in Japan switching to allogeneic
Sources:, 15.11.2015
Genchirurgen aus Fernost
Sources: DIE WELT, 14.11.2015
Scientists have found a way to 3D-print embryonic stem cell 'building blocks'
Sources:, 8.11.2015
Swiss Bridge Award an Andreas Trumpp und Jörg Hülsken für Erforschung von Krebsstammzellen (in German)
Sources: Krebsliga Schweiz, 3.11.2015
Biologist Michael Brand receives 2.5 Million Eur ERC Advanced Reserach Grant
Sources: TU Dresden, 30.10.2015
Stammzellen für das Ungeborene (in German)
Sources: NZZ, 2.11.2015
Regenerative Medicine: An evolving field
Sources: US Congressional Report, 31.10.2015
Factor found to balance medically useful stem cell qualities
Sources: Science Daily, 29.10.2015
Gefährliche Frischzellen-Kuren boomen auch in Deutschland (Q-Fieber)
Harmful Live Cell Therapies are booming also in Germany (Q fever)
Sources: Tagesschau (in German), 27.10.2015
Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German), 27.10.2015
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, 2.10.2015
Study: Embryonic and iPS cells are equal
Sources: The San Diego Union Tribune, 26.10.2015 and
Nature Biotech. (original publication), 26.10.2015
Stammzellforschung: Deutsche und US-amerikanische Partner bündeln ihre Kräfte (in German)
Source: Fraunhofer IME, 15.10.2015
Major grant in limbo, NIH revisits ethics of animal-human chimeras
Source: Science, 14.10.2015
First 'in womb' stem cell trial to begin
UN panel calls for moratorium on editing human genome
Source: BioEdge, 8.10.2015
Erste Niere aus Stammzellen (in German)
Lorenz Studer named 2015 MacArthur Fellow
Source:, 30.9.2015
New York Blood Center Announces New Collaboration
Source:, 28.9.2015
Der Zahn der Zukunft (in German)
Source:, 18.9.2015
Augenlicht kann wieder hergestellt werden (in German)
Source:, 21.9.2015
Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement
Source:, 10.9.2015
Source:, 11.9.2015
Source:, 18.9.2015
Source: Deutschlandfunk, 21.9.2015 (in German)
University of Tokyo's cell-growing method slashes costs by half
Source:, 11.9.2015
Scientists map genes at work in human embryos' earliest days
Source:, 3.9.2015
Extracellular Vesicles Repair Damage in Stroke-Impaired Mice
Genauso wirksam – weniger riskant: Neue Therapie bei Schlaganfall (in German)
Sources: STEM CELLS Translational Medicine, 3.9.2015
Universität Duisburg Essen, 5.9.2015
Scientists map genes at work in human embryos' earliest days
Source:, 3.9.2015
Kleine Innereien - Miniorgane aus dem Labor (in German)
Source:, 2.9.2015
World’s largest public stem cell bank inaugurated in California
Source:, 2.9.2015
Stem-cell discovery platforms yield first clinical candidates
Source: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 1.9.2015
ISSCR President Sean Morrison on challenges and future of stem cell field
Source:, 31.8.2015
Wir züchten uns ein Herz (in German)
Source:, 31.8.2015
Genes physically held in silencing 'lock-down' in embryonic stem cells
Source: medicalxpress, 31.8.2015
Missing piece found in liver puzzle
Source: jpost, 29.8.2015
Network of German pluripotent stem cell cores established
Source: GSCN Stem Cell Cores, 29.8.2015
European court upholds Italy law against embryo research
Source: euronews, 28.8.2015
"Kein Grund zur Angst" Interview mit Hans Schöler (in German)
Source:, 28.8.2015
Leading stem cell scientist cleared of misconduct charges
Source: PhysOrg, 28.8.2015
Editing humanity
Source: economist, 28.8.2015
China announces stem-cell rules
Source:, 26.8.2015
Researchers control embryonic stem cells with light
Source:, 26.8.2015
New Yorker Spitzenforscher kommt nach Berlin (in German)
Erwin Böttinger wechselt ans Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH)
Source: BMBF, 26.8.2015
Hope for stem cell therapy in macular degeneration
Source: RegMedNet, 26.8.2015
Bayerische Millionen für Care (in German)
Source: Westfälische Nachrichten, 22.8.2015
Das Gehirn wächst, aber wo bleibt die Intelligenz? (in German)
Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19.8.2015
Neues Föderprogramm zur Stammzellforschung - BMBF Ausschreibung
Novel funding opportunities for stem cell research - BMBF call
Source: GSCN, 19.8.2015
Scientists in Iran clone endangered mouflon
Source: The Guardian, 10.8.2015
Stammzellen aus dem Labor (in German)
Source: Westfälische Nachrichten 3.8.2015
Mutation alert halts stem-cell trial to cure blindness
Source: New Scientist, 31.7.2015
Ein Wecker für schlafende Hirnstammzellen An alarm clock for dormant brain stem cells
Sources: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (deutsch)
German Cancer Research Center (in English), 31.7.2015
The missing piece of the liver puzzle - creating functional liver cells from stem cells
Source: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 30.7.2015
Human iPSC Used To Treat Kidney Injury In Mice
Source: AsianScientist, 29.7.2015
Portrait Andreas Trumpp: Den Krebs an der Wurzel packen
Source: Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, 22.7.2015
Researchers develop method for growing billions of stem cells
Source: United Press International, 22.7.2015
Stem cell therapy shows promise in small clinical trial for rare lung disease
Source: Science Daily, 20.7.2015
Injektion von Knochenmarks-Stammzellen hemmt neuropathische Schmerzen bei Mäusen (in German)
Source: scinexx, 15.7.2015
Scientists create mini liver segments for drug discovery
Source: sanger-institute, 15.7.2015
Blood Stem Cells in a Rush – velocity determines quality (GSCN)
Blutstammzellen in Eile – das Tempo bestimmt die Qualität (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Science Daily (EN) idw Online (DE), 10.7.2015
Gene politics: US lawmakers are asserting their place in the human genetic-modification debate
Source: nature, 7.7.2015
Landmark IPSC clinical study on hold due to genomic issue
Source:, 7.7.2015
Mit Stammzellen gegen Osteoporose (in German)
Source: tagesspiegel, 7.7.2015
Weltgrösste Stammzellenbank wird für 700 Millionen Dollar verkauft (in German)
Source:, 26.6.2015
E.U. science chief wants to work ERC magic on innovation
Source: scienceInsider, 26.6.2015
Artificial trachea researcher responds to misconduct report
Source: scienceInsider, 26.6.2015
Researchers Grow Neurons in 3D
Source: uni-luxemburg, 26.6.2015
Mini-Gehirne aus dem Bioreaktor (in German)
Source: deutschlandfunk, 24.6.2015
Protein Plays Unexpected Role in Embryonic Stem Cells
Source: dddmag, 23.6.2015
Stem cell therapy for stroke shows need for rigorous trials in US
Source: Medical Xpress, 22.6.2015
Stemedica teams up with UCSD doc?
Source: ipscell, 19.6.2015
Ontario Invests $25 Million in Stem Cell Research
Source: Southwesthealthline, 19.6.2015
Bioengineering. Towards a body-on-a-chip
Source: Economist, 13.6.2015
California company buys facility for stem cell manufacturing
Source: FiecePharmaMan., 10.6.2015
EU-Kommission lehnt Verbot von Tierversuchen ab (in German)
Source: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 5.6.2015
Copyshopping: Ein Besuch in der Hunde-Klonfabrik
Source: profil, 4.6.2015
CRISPR, the disruptor
Source: nature, 3.6.2015
Azrieli Foundation gives HU $10 million for stem-cell research on genetic diseases
Source: Jerusalem Post, 3.6.2015
Gen steuert Stammzellen während Muskelregeneration
Source: MPG, 1.6.2015
Research solves mystery of memory and mood
Source:, 1.6.2015
White House supports moratorium on human genetic modification
Source: ipscell, 1.6.2015
Stammzellschalter auf Wanderschaft (in German)
Source: Uni Freiburg, 29.5.2015
Forscher erhalten grünes Licht (in German)
Source: Ärztezeitung, 28.5.2015
Der riskante Boom privater Stammzelltherapien (in German)
Source: Die Welt, 22.5.2015
Pluristem’s PLX Cells closer to Entering Japan’s Accelerated Pathway for Regenerative Medicine
Source: Pluristem, 22.5.2015
Report finds trachea surgeon committed misconduct
Source: ScienceInside, 21.5.2015
Discussion about genetic modifications of the human germ line
GSCN statement concerning the genetic modification of the human germ line here
Source: washingtonpost, 18.5.2015
Source: nature, 18.5.2015
Source:, 18.5.2015
Source: The Economist, 2.5.2015
Source: Scientist, 30.4.2015
Source: nature, 29.4.2015
Source: fazblog, 23.4.2015
Source: springer, 24.4.2015
Source: npr, 24.4.2015
Source: time, 23.4.2015
Source: ipscell, 23.4.2015
Master orchestrator of the genome is discovered, stem cell scientists report
Source: Science Daily, 8.5.2015
16 Nobelpreisträger reagieren mit offenem Brief „Ohne Tierexperimente geht es nicht“
Source:, 6.5.2015
New clues into how stem cells get their identity
Source: Science Daily, 6.5.2015
First Successful 3D Printed Trachea
Source:, 5.5.2015
Researchers identify 'bridge' state necessary for cellular reprogramming
Neue Hoffnung aus dem Mutterschoß (in German)
Source: Die Welt, 4.5.2015
Eye Stem Cell Therapy Moves Ahead
Source: The Scientist, 30.4.2015
Scientists find way to monitor progress of stem cells after transplantation into brain
Source: Stanford Medicine, 30.4.2015
Klonen für Fortgeschrittene
Source: Deutschlandfunk, 24.4.2015
Takeda, CiRA Launch $268.5M iPS Collaboration
Source: GEN, 23.4.2015
Sale of Madison company could be a big step for stem cell research
Source: Journal Sentinel, 20.4.2015
The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has launched an expanded “Closer Look at Stem Cells” website
Source: businesswire, 20.4.2015
Athersys stroke treatment fails study, shares slide
Source: reuters, 17.4.2015
ReNeuron stem cell therapy shows long-term promise for stroke
Source: reuters, 17.4.2015
Glaucoma Visual Fields Improve Following Stem Cell Treatment
Source: Press release MD Stem Cells, 12.4.2015
Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde: Telomerase in Stammzellen (in German)
Source: FLI - Leibniz Institute für Altersforschung, 10.4.2015
Source:, 2.4.2015
Patient's own skin cells may hold key to new treatments for neurological diseases
Source:, 31.3.2015
Japan's Fujifilm agrees to buy Cellular Dynamics for $307 million
Sources:, 30.3.2015;, 31.3.2015
MDC Researchers Greatly Increase Precision of New Genome Editing Tool
Source: MDC, Berlin, 25.3.2015
Team finds key to making neurons from stem cells
Source: Medical Xpress, 19.3.2015
Stem cell disease model clarifies bone cancer trigger
Source: Science Daily, 9.4.2015
International Stem Cell Corporation Demonstrates Reversal of Neurological Stroke Symptoms Using Neural Stem Cells
Source: International Stem Cell Coop. (ISCO), 7.4.2015
Mitochondria are altered in human cell model of Parkinson's disease
Source: Medical Xpress, 7.4.2015
Commercialized cell therapies goal of regenerative medicine alliance
Source: LabCanada, 20.3.2015
Japan makes strides toward stem cell therapy
Source: Nikkei Asian Review, 19.3.2015
Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis
Source: Medical Xpress, 19.3.2015
The ISSCR Statement on Human Germline Genome Modification
Source: ISSCR, 19.3.2015
A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification
Source: Science Magazine, 19.3.2015
Scientists Seek Ban on Method of Editing the Human Genome
Source: NYT, 19.3.2015
Keimbahn-Experimente: Kommt das bioethische Armageddon?
Source:, 20.3.2015
Engineering the Perfect Baby
Source: MIT Technology Review, 5.3.2015
Hans Schöler neu im Vorstand der ‚International Society for Stem Cell Research’ (ISSCR)
Source: ISSCR, 11.3.2015
Mini-Herz schlägt auf Siliziumchip (in German)
Source: Spiegel Online, 10.3.2015
New stem cell advance
Source: Harvard-Gazette, 6.3.2015
Behind the scenes of the world's first commercial stem cell therapy
Source: nature, 6.3.2015
Lung cancer stem cell therapy to be trialled in UK
Source: The Guardian, 6.3.2015
MHH researcher derive blood from pluripotent stem cells (DE)
Source: Hannover Medical School, 16.2.2015
Stammzellen im Gehirn sind kein ewiger Jungbrunnen
Source: Helmholtz München, 6.3.2015
Scaffold-free iPS cell-based hyaline cartilage for joint repair
Source: Science Daily, 26.2.2015
Kyoto University Hospital to open iPS cell therapy center in 2019
Source: Japan Times, 24.2.2015
Study psychiatric diseases with stem cells
Source: PhsyOrg, 20.2.2015
Yale researchers find surprising trigger of new brain cell growth
Source: YaleNews, 20.2.2015
ReNeuron phase 2 stem cell trials still on track
Source: proactiveinvestors UK, 20.2.2015
Europe approves Western world's first stem-cell therapy for rare eye condition
Source: Reuters, 20.2.2015
RIKEN announces penalties related to stem cell fiasco
Source: Science News 11.2.2015
What pushes scientists to lie? The disturbing but familiar story of Haruko Obokata
Source: The Guardian 18.2.2015
Blood vessel cells improve the conversion of pluripotent stem cells to blood lineages
Source: EurekaAlert, 12.2.2015
Journal publishes 200-word papers
Researchers are buzzing about a publication that accepts only 'brief ideas'.
Source: Nature, 12.2.2015
Stem cells reduce MS brain damage
Source: Neurology 12.2.2015 Source: UT-San Diego, 12.2.2015
Pancreas in a capsule
Source: MIT Technology Review, 12.2.2015
Stem cell pioneer joins forces with stem cell fraudster
Source: Science Magazine, 10.2.2015
Can Stem Cells Be Taught to Repair a Radiation-Damaged Brain?
Source: MSKCC, 6.2.2015
California's stem cell program (CIRM) is getting a reboot
Source: LA Times, 3.1.2015
Stem cells in breast milk (in German)
Vielversprechende Stammzellen in Muttermilch
Source: VDI Nachrichten, 30.1.2015
Cancer- what is the role of chance? (in German)
Source: Tagesspiegel, 15.1.2015
Regenerating Organs: Mending of the Heart (in German)
Nachwachsende Organe: Ein Herz lässt sich reparieren
Source: Tagesspiegel, 7.1.2015